Client Image Molecule with MDTraj

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_________ _______           _______  _______  _        _______  ______  
\__   __/(  ___  )|\     /|(  ____ )(  ____ \( (    /|(       )(  __  \ 
   ) (   | (   ) || )   ( || (    )|| (    \/|  \  ( || () () || (  \  )
   | |   | (___) || |   | || (____)|| (__    |   \ | || || || || |   ) |
   | |   |  ___  || |   | ||     __)|  __)   | (\ \) || |(_)| || |   | |
   | |   | (   ) || |   | || (\ (   | (      | | \   || |   | || |   ) |
   | |   | )   ( || (___) || ) \ \__| (____/\| )  \  || )   ( || (__/  )
   )_(   |/     \|(_______)|/   \__/(_______/|/    )_)|/     \|(______/ 

A command-line interface for Molecular Dynamics Analysis routines.

version: 0.11.2

Make molecules whole.

Attempts to “Recenter and apply periodic boundary conditions to the molecules in each frame of the trajectory.” (MDTraj documentation)


Uses MDTraj.Trajectory.image_molecule and MDTraj.Topology.find_molecules.

Protocol 1

Performs and mdtraj.traj.image_molecules in the trajectory as a whole. anchor_molecules parameters get[:1], and other_molecules parameter receives[1:].

Protocol 2

The same as protocol 1 but executes those steps for each frame separately. Frames are concatenated back to a whole trajectory at the end.


Basic usage, -o saves the first frame in a separate topology file:

taurenmd imagemol top.pdb traj.dcd -d imaged.dcd -o

For trajectories with non-standard molecules you can use a TPR file.

taurenmd imagemol top.tpr traj.xtc -d imaged.xtc

Using protocol 2

taurenmd imagemol top.tpr traj.xtc -d imaged.xtc -i 2


  • MD data accessed and/or processed using MDTraj

usage: tmdimagemol [-h] [-v] [-i] [-d TRAJ_OUTPUT] [-o [TOP_OUTPUT]]
                   [--protocol PROTOCOL]
                   topology trajectories [trajectories ...]

Positional Arguments


Path to the topology file.


Path to the trajectory files. If multiple files are given, trajectories will be concatenated by input order.

Named Arguments

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit

-i, --insort

Sorts input trajectories paths according to their tail numbers, if paths are formatted as follows: my_trajectory_#.dcd, where # is a number. Defaults to False.

Default: False

-d, --traj-output

Modified trajectory output file name. File type will be defined by file name extension. Defaults to traj_out.dcd.

Default: “traj_out.dcd”

-o, --top-output

Export edited trajectory first frame as topololy file. You can specify the exact file name, otherwise, defaults to input trajectory path + ‘frame0.pdb’. Also, if name starts with ‘’, it is used as file suffix, if name ends with ‘_’, it is used as prefix, instead.

Default: False


The protocol with which reimage. Read main command description for details.

Default: 1