Source code for taurenmd.libs.libmda

Functions that wrap around `MDAnalysis library`_.

Functions contained in this module operate with MDAnalysis (MDA)
functionalities, either by using MDA to access Molecular Dynamics
data or by receiving MDA data structures and parsing them in some way.

When using functions contained in this library you should `cite both`_
taurenmd and MDAnalysis.

.. _MDAnalysis library:
.. _cite both:
import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysis.analysis import align as mdaalign

from taurenmd import Path
from taurenmd import core as tcore
from taurenmd import log
from taurenmd.libs import libio, libopenmm, libutil
from taurenmd.logger import S, T

[docs]@tcore.add_reference(tcore.ref_mda) def load_universe( topology, *trajectories, insort=False, **universe_args): """ Load MDAnalysis universe. Accepts MDAnalysis compatible `topology formats`_ and `trajectory formats`_. Read further on the `MDAnalysis Universe`_. .. _topology formats: .. _trajectory formats: .. _MDAnalysis Universe: Examples -------- >>> libmda.load_universe('topology.pdb', 'trajectory.dcd') >>> libmda.load_universe( 'topology.pdb', 'traj_part_1.xtc', 'traj_part_2.xtc', Path('my', 'md', 'folder', 'traj_part_3.xtc'), ) Parameters ---------- topology : str or Path object Path to topology file. trajectories* : str of Path objects Paths to trajectory file(s). Trajectory files will be used sequentially to create the Universe. insort : bool Whether to sort trajectory files by suffix number. See :func:`libio.sort_numbered_input`. universe_args : any Other arguments to be passed to `MDAnalysis Universe`. Return ------ MDAnalysis Universe """ # noqa: E501 D412 if insort: trajectories = libio.sort_numbered_input(*trajectories) libio.report_input(topology, trajectories) topo_path = Path(topology).str() traj_path = [Path(i).str() for i in trajectories], try: universe = mda.Universe(topo_path, traj_path, **universe_args) except ValueError: pdbx = libopenmm.attempt_to_load_top_from_simtk(topo_path) universe = mda.Universe(pdbx, traj_path, **universe_args) report(universe) return universe
[docs]@tcore.add_reference(tcore.ref_mda) def report(universe): """ Report information about the Universe. Example ------- >>> u = libmda.load_universe('topology.pdb', 'trajectory.xtc') >>> Parameters ---------- universe : MDAnalysis Universe `MDAnalysis universe <>`_. Returns ------- None """ # noqa: E501 segids = sorted(list(set(universe.atoms.segids))) info = {} for segid in segids: a = universe.select_atoms(f'segid {segid}') info[segid] = sorted(list(set(a.atoms.resids))) info_ = [] for k, v in info.items(): info_.append(str(S( f'segid {k} with {len(v)} residues ' f'from {v[0]} to {v[-1]}' )))'Reporting on universe'))'number of frames: {}', len(universe.trajectory))) dt = get_timestep(universe, i1=-1)'duration: {:.2f} ns', dt / 1000)) dt = get_timestep(universe)'timestep per frame: {:.2f} ns', dt / 1000))'number of atoms: {}', len(universe.atoms)))'components:\n{}', '\n'.join(info_)))
[docs]@tcore.add_reference(tcore.ref_mda) def mdaalignto(universe, reference, selection='all'): """ Align universe to reference. Uses `MDAnalysis.analysis.align.alignto <>`_. Parameters ---------- universe, reference, selection Same as in ``MDAnalysis.analysis.align.alignto`` function. Raises ------ ZeroDivisionError If selection gives empty selection. """ # noqa: E501 try: mdaalign.alignto(universe, reference, select=selection) except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError) as err: log.debug(err, exc_info=True) errmsg = ( f'Could not perform alignment due to {err}, ' 'most likely the alignment selection does not match ' 'any possible selection in the system. You selection : ' f'\'{selection}\'.' ) raise err
[docs]@tcore.add_reference(tcore.ref_mda) def draw_atom_label_from_atom_group(atom_group): """ Translate MDAnalysis Atom Group to list of strings for each atom. Strings represent each atom by SEGID.RESNUM|RESNAME.NAME, for example carbon alpha of Cys 18 of chain A would: >>> A.18Cys.CA This function is used by taurenmd for data representation purporses. Parameters ---------- atom_group : Atom Group obj `MDAnalysis Atom group <>`_. Returns ------- list of strings Containing the atom string representation for each atom in the Atom Group. """ # noqa: E501 labels = [] for atom in atom_group: s = '{}.{}{}.{}'.format( atom.segment.segid, atom.residue.resnum, atom.resname.title(),, ) labels.append(s) return labels
[docs]@tcore.add_reference(tcore.ref_mda) def get_timestep(u, i0=0, i1=1): """ Get time step between two trajectory frames in picoseconds. Parameters ---------- it0, it1 : int The initial and end frame, respectively. """ return u.trajectory[i1].time - u.trajectory[i0].time # in picoseconds
[docs]@tcore.add_reference(tcore.ref_mda) def convert_time_to_frame(x, dt, base_unit='ps'): """ Convert a string `x` into a frame number based on given `dt`. If `x` does not contain any units its assumed to be a frame number already. Original function taken from `MDAnalysis.mdacli` project, from commit: The original function was modified internally without modifying its API. See also: Note that in case of decimal values, for example, 10.3ps, the integer division between the value and `dt` remains. Parameters ---------- x : str, int or float the input string dt : float the time step in ps Returns ------- int frame number Raises ------ ValueError The input does not contain any units but is not an integer. """ # noqa: E501 x = str(x) # regex to split value and units while handling scientific input val, unit = libutil.split_time_unit(x) print(val, unit, dt) if unit != "": converted = mda.units.convert(val, unit, base_unit) return round(converted / dt, 0) else: return int(val)
[docs]def convert_time_or_frame_to_frame(s, u): """ Convert a time or frame string to frame. Parameters ---------- s : str or int or float A string defining the time ('12ns') or frame. u : mda.Universe Returns ------- int see :func:`convert_time_to_frame` """ dt = get_timestep(u) return convert_time_to_frame(s, dt)
[docs]def get_frame_list_from_slice(u, frame_slice): """ Create a frame number list from a slice for a Universe. Parameters ---------- u : mda.Universe The MDAnalysis universe. frame_slice : slice object Returns ------- list of ints A list with the number of frames corresponding to that Universe and slice. """ return list(range(len(u.trajectory))[frame_slice])
[docs]def get_frame_slices(u, start=None, stop=None, step=None): """Make a frame slice for a universe given start, stop, and step. Parameters ---------- start, stop, step: None or int or str. If string, accepts :func:`libutil.split_time_unit`. Returns ------- slice object """'Creating trajectory frame slicing from:'))'start: {start}'))'stop : {stop}'))'step : {step}')) frame_slice = libio.frame_slice( start=None if start is None else convert_time_or_frame_to_frame(str(start), u), # noqa: E501 stop=None if stop is None else convert_time_or_frame_to_frame(str(stop), u), # noqa: E501 step=None if step is None else convert_time_or_frame_to_frame(str(step), u), # noqa: E501 )'created slice: {}', frame_slice)) assert isinstance(frame_slice, slice) return frame_slice
[docs]def create_x_data(u, xdata_in_time, frame_list): """ Create X data for plotting. Create a frame list given a time or else return the frame_list given. Parameters ---------- u : mda.Universe xdata_in_time : bool Whether to select frames based on a time duration. frame_list : list of int A list of integers referring to the number of frames in the trajectory. """ if xdata_in_time: xdata = [ mda.units.convert(get_timestep(u, i1=i), 'ps', xdata_in_time) for i in frame_list ] xlabel = f'Time ({xdata_in_time})' else: xdata = frame_list xlabel = 'Frames' return xdata, xlabel